We've developed a Site Plan

We've updated the Site Plan based on feedback provided by the general community in early 2022 and by onsite stakeholders in 2023. At its public Meeting of 6 September, Council endorsed the updated Site Plan, and thanked everyone who has provided input to date to help shape the future of this popular and valued public space.

Please note: The Site Plan is intended as a high-level masterplan, to guide future detailed design and development. We will be reaching out to the community for feedback on the detailed design of specific aspects of the site.

About the project

Council is developing a masterplan for Elwood Foreshore to ensure it meets the demands of our growing and changing community. We know that many of the buildings are ageing, that climate change might impact this area in coming years, that there are challenges for the way traffic and people move about the site, and that there are growing numbers of females in organised sports that we need to plan for. This initiative aims to address these concerns and develop a plan for development across the site over the next decade.

Key priorities of this masterplan:

  • Enhance the natural landscape and vegetation, maintaining important visual corridors and open spaces.
  • Water sensitive urban design to manage and improve the quality of stormwater entering the bay.
  • Alleviate conflict between pedestrians, bike riders and vehicles.
  • Redesigned buildings are appropriately sited, designed, attractive and cost effective.
  • Overall design that encourages increased use of surrounding recreational open space and sports playing fields/courts

How your feedback influenced this project

What we heard:

  • Community would like the tennis courts to remain in their current location.
  • People are concerned about traffic and the addition of more parking at the Southern end of the site.
  • The proposed cycle path might impact on events.
  • Clubs are seeing growth in membership.
  • The Life Saving Club would prefer to be closer to existing site.
  • The restaurant would be better located closer to the foreshore.
What we changed in the Site Plan in response to your feedback:
  • The overflow carpark has been removed from the sportsground.
  • Tennis club will remain in its current location.
  • The plan provides for an additional tennis court and an additional half croquet court.
  • Plans for a larger Life Saving Club, subject to funding.
  • The cycle path has been relocated closer to the beach.
  • Life Saving Club and restaurant have been located closer to their current location and closer to the beach.

Proposed Site Plan: Updated September 2023

Proposed Site Plan

For full detailed plans click here

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Anthony Savenkov

Head of Real Estate Portfolio

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