This project has now been completed. For more information visit our website.
The City of Port Phillip is working with the Victorian Government to upgrade the J.L. Murphy Reserve pavilion with the aim of increasing participation in sport by providing accessible change rooms for all genders and abilities.
Port Phillip Council wants the best outcome for the sporting clubs, their members and the wider community who will use the redeveloped J.L. Murphy Reserve pavilion and ovals for decades to come.
A concept design was developed after extensive consultation.
View the Phase One Engagement Report (PDF 933.72 KB)
Next steps
In January 2019, work commenced on the redevelopment of the J. L. Murphy Reserve pavilion.
Temporary facilities, including public toilets have been installed so the reserve can continue to be enjoyed during the redevelopment.
The upgraded pavilion is scheduled for completion by April 2020.
More information
To contact the project team, email phone ASSIST on
News Feed
Council has released the concept design for the pavilion upgrade. This concept design has been developed within the parameters set by the community in 2015. We are currently seeking community feedback on the internal fit out, anti-graffiti measures, security lighting, and construction impact mitigation options to be investigated during the detailed design development phase.
This survey should take about 10 minutes and the feedback received will be used to guide Council decisions during the detailed design phase.
Privacy Statement: All responses are anonymous and no IP addresses are tracked. Any feedback made via this questionnaire may be published and used as part of Council promotional materials. The personal information provided in this survey is being collected by Council for the purpose of providing a demographic snapshot of contributions to this project. Demographic data allows Council to assess whether it is providing all areas of the community with an opportunity to become involved and be heard. Your personal information will be used solely by Council for this primary purpose or directly related purposes. Demographic data may be published and used as part of a Council report. Providing us with this information is optional. For more information contact Council’s Privacy Officer via ASSIST on 9209 6777.