Parks Victoria is currently upgrading St Kilda Pier.

The St Kilda Pier Foreshore Upgrade project includes visually extending the Pier on to the adjoining foreshore. The landscape treatment will improve legibility, safety, access along the bay trail and to the surrounding area.

Public consultation was undertaken on the Landscape Concept design in February 2024 on site and via Council’s Have Your Say page. Following the consultation, the concept design has been updated to reflect community feedback where possible.

To undertake this project, a partial closure of Pier Road is required.

At a meeting on 19 April 2023, Council endorsed the commencement of the process to restrict the passage of vehicles on the section of Pier Road between Jacka Boulevard and the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989.

Community members had the opportunity to make submissions from May 2023 to June 2023, for Council’s considerations.

On 19 June 2024, Council completed the process of the permanent road closure.

More information

  • Click here to view further information on the upgrade to St Kilda Pier Redevelopment.
  • For more information on the road closure process please see information on the right-hand side tab on this page
Pier one