About the project
About the project
You can view a copy of the Dog Off-Leash Guidelines here.
As part of the adoption of these Guidelines, changes to the dog on- and off-leash restrictions of a number of public spaces and beaches have been proposed.
Before making any changes we are requesting feedback from the community.
What are the proposed changes to dog on- and off-leash restrictions?
The proposed changes to the Dog On- and Off-Leash Restrictions are:
- Change SS Anderson (Pitch 1) at JL Murphy Reserve, Community Synthetic Ground (Pitch 3) at JL Murphy Reserve and North Port Oval to dog prohibited areas.
- Change Robinson Reserve in Elwood, Fennell Reserve in Port Melbourne and Howe Crescent Reserve West in South Melbourne to fenced dog off-leash areas.
- Update the summer restrictions on the beach between Station Pier and Bay Street in Port Melbourne to 7.30pm - 10.00am.
- Update the summer restrictions on the northern section of Elwood Beach between Point Ormond to the rock groyne in front of Elwood Angling Club to 7.30pm – 10.00am.
This process is to seek the community's feedback on the proposed changes to dog on- and off-leash restrictions, identified in the 21 August 2024 Council resolution.
The Dog Off-Leash Guidelines were used to review dog on and off-leash restrictions across all public spaces in the City.
The review found that:
- Specialised sports fields that have a premier playing level surface (meaning they host elite sport) are difficult to maintain to the high standard they need to be kept at when dogs are also using the site.
- There are a number of open spaces that could be designated as shared dog off-leash areas.
- There are several opportunities for fenced dog off-leash areas in the municipality.
- There are opportunities to streamline the beach restrictions across the municipality, making access more consistent and less confusing.
These changes are being proposed in response to those findings as well as the regular requests Council receives for both more and less dog off-leash areas.
The following restrictions are currently in place:
- SS Anderson (Pitch 1) and Community Synthetic Ground (Pitch 3) – Dogs are allowed off-leash at all times; except when any organised sporting event or training is taking place.
- North Port Oval, Robinson Reserve, Fennell Reserve and Howe Crescent Reserve West – Dogs are not allowed off-leash at any time.
- Port Melbourne Beach – From 1 April to 31 October, dogs are permitted at all times. From 1 November to 31 March, dogs are allowed only between Port Melbourne Yacht Club and Lagoon Pier.
- Elwood Beach – From 1 April to 31 October, dogs are permitted at all times. From 1 November to 31 March, dogs are allowed only between 5.30am to 9.30am on the northern section of the beach.
You can read more here about where you can take your dog off-leash in the City of Port Phillip.
Following community engagement, if Council decides to proceed with any of the changes to restrictions, we will need to follow the process for amending the Local Law to change the list of designated and prohibited areas.
We would like to see any changes to restrictions to be made by summer 2025. We will keep the community updated.
If Council decides to make any changes to restrictions, they would be permanent by way of an amendment to the Local Law.
What we hear from the community during this engagement will help to inform Council decision-making about the proposed changes to dog on- and off-leash restrictions. We will report back to the community on how your feedback has helped to inform decision-making.