This consultation has concluded.
Thanks for your feedback on the draft Public Toilet Plan (2013-2023) and draft Implementation Plan. The plan identifies potential sites for new public toilets, existing sites to be upgraded and potential demolitions. It also provides to provide guidance for our planning and decision making in the development, maintenance and operation of the public toilet network.
Thanks for your feedback on the draft Public Toilet Plan and draft Implementation Plan. The plan identifies potential sites for new public toilets, existing sites to be upgraded and potential demolitions. It also provides guidance for our planning and decision making in the development, maintenance and operation of the public toilet network.
Next steps
Council Officers will collate and consider all comments received from the public and use this feedback to finalise the draft Public Toilet Plan and draft Implementation Plan. This will then be taken to Council in July for approval. Once approved, Council will begin the process of rolling out the projects listed in the Implementation Plan, beginning with those listed as a high priority.
Consultation closed on Friday 3rd May 2013.
About the plan and its key recommendations
All proposed developments, upgrades, or demolitions will undergo a feasibility study and Council will consult local residents and surrounding businesses on potential locations, facility types, style and associated elements of any new or upgraded public toilets.
There will be ample opportunity for the community to provide feedback on specific projects as they arise over the next 10 years.
The key recommendations include:
- Improve directional signage to our public toilets
- Upgrading some of our existing facilities including the toilets at Coles carpark (Balaclava), Donovans Restaurant (St Kilda) and Point Ormond
- New public toilet facilities in or around key sites such as Garden City Reserve andWaterfront Place
- A trial of portable urinals inFitzroy Street, St Kilda to determine the most suitable option for a permanent solution to public urination issues, such as the installation of a Urilift retractable urinal
- Upgrade facilities to meet Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and current Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) standards
- Advocating for a ‘Changing Places’ type facility to accommodate the toileting/changing needs of people who cannot use standard accessible toilets
- The implementation of Community Toilet Schemes (CTS) in shopping precincts where there are no (or few) public toilets
- An increase in operating hours at selected sites to better cater for visitors to entertainment precincts, as well as people experiencing homelessness
- The development of a unique City ofPort Phillipspecific design, particularly for areas of high tourist visitation
Click here to view a map of the proposed locations of recommendations.
For more information contact
Helene Agius, Project Officer l Property Services
T: 9209 6754 l F: 9536 2758 l E: