Thank you for your feedback. Here's a brief update on what we heard.

The consultation on the safety upgrades at the Sandridge Bay Trail was conducted from mid-March to mid-April and 34 survey responses were received.

The majority of people responding acknowledged that we had captured the main safety issues and were supportive of the actions outlined in the project. A number of community members also took the time to describe their experiences and practical suggestions for consideration in the detailed design.

Some community members expressed their concerns with items adjoining the area and these included:

  • The installation of speed bumps to slow traffic from Todd Rd onto the Boulevard
  • The installation of a pedestrian crossing (with lights) to access Sandridge beach
  • Jet skis illegally using the swimming only/no boating zone
  • Provide fencing along carpark (foreshore side).

These concerns will be passed on to the relevant departments.

The community engagement report can be accessed via the document library or this link.

Safety upgrades for Sandridge Bay trail.

We’re making the Sandridge Bay Trail safe for all. Council is undertaking an upgrade to the area around the Bay Trail at Sandridge beach to create a safer area for all to enjoy.

We’ve heard from our community that there are some safety concerns in the area. This includes how pedestrians, cyclists and cars move around the space and interact with each other.

Whilst we have been able to address some of these concerns with smaller safety works already, there is now an opportunity to make more comprehensive improvements to resolve underlying community concerns.

The safety concerns already identified by our community are:

  • Cyclists riding on pedestrian only paths
  • Bus stop shelter creating a visual and physical barrier for path users
  • Pedestrians and bike riders share narrow paths along The Boulevard creating congestion and collision risk
  • Conflict between drivers, bike riders and pedestrians at Sandridge Life Saving Club carpark entrance
  • Intersecting pedestrian and bike rider path risks
  • Overgrown shrubs impacting sightlines and safety for path users
  • Inadequate lighting along the bike path
  • Vehicles illegally accessing the foreshore reserve and beach (often with jet ski/PWC trailers)

Addressing safety concerns

Click on each marker for some information on how we plan to address safety concerns