Update: Read our Engagement Report

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback in November/December 2023 about the draft Concept Plan for Sol Green Reserve. We heard from approximately 40 community members in person, via our online survey, and also via submissions. Most of the people we heard from lived in South Melbourne and were regular users of the park.

We have now reviewed all of your feedback and created a report to inform the final design for the reserve. You can read the report here.

To stay in the loop about this project, and to be notified when the final design is available to view, click the 'Follow' button at the top of this page.

Update: Engagement period is now closed

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback about the draft concept plan for Sol Green Reserve. We are currently reviewing all of the feedback we received and creating a report to inform the final design and construction. The report will be available on this page in early 2024.

About the project

From 17 November to 17 December 2023 we were seeking community feedback on the draft concept plan for Sol Green Reserve, on the Corner Montague Street and Coventry Street in South Melbourne.

Below is a range of information as well as engagement activities that have now past, including an online survey, poll, and information about 'pop up' events.

The Draft Concept Plan

You can view the draft concept plan below. It includes:

  • Relocation of the playground to improve access and safety, and the addition of a flying fox, play tower unit, swings (including a basket swing), trampolines, a cubby house, rockers and an accessible spinner
  • A larger basketball court area with a soccer goal
  • An upgraded BBQ and picnic area
  • Additional seating throughout the reserve
  • Improved garden bed and tree planting
  • Improved path connections for better access throughout the reserve
  • Plans to upgrade the lighting throughout the reserve

Click on the yellow dots to show photos and additional information.

Note: Photos in the draft concept plan above are examples of what equipment may look like. Actual equipment may look different.

Online survey (This survey is now closed)

Quick poll (This poll is now closed)

What is your favourite element of the draft concept plan?

Please note that this poll has now closed.

This poll has concluded.

  • Seating area
    0% (0 votes)
  • Basketball and soccer area
    33% (1 vote)
  • Lighting
    0% (0 votes)
  • Accessible spinner
    0% (0 votes)
  • Trampolines
    0% (0 votes)
  • Updated BBQ and picnic area
    0% (0 votes)
  • Flying fox
    33% (1 vote)
  • Swings
    0% (0 votes)
  • Rockers
    0% (0 votes)
  • Cubby house
    0% (0 votes)
  • Tower play unit
    0% (0 votes)
  • New garden bed planting
    33% (1 vote)
  • 3 seater rotating swing
    0% (0 votes)
Total Votes: 3

Chat to us at Sol Green Reserve

Pop along for a chat at either of the times/days below. We are happy to provide you with information, answer your questions, and listen to your feedback.