In September 2016, Council resolved to undertake a competitive selection process for a new long-term lease arrangement for St Kilda Marina. The St Kilda Marina site is currently characterised by its working marina, along with restaurants, cafes, and recreational activities. With the current lease coming to an end, Council has committed to work with the Victorian Government, community, users of the marina and other key stakeholders to re-imagine the St Kilda Marina site.

Stage 2 of the project involved consulting with the community and stakeholders to inform the Site Vision and Objectives. We also undertook significant research to understand the opportunities and constraints for the site, including case studies, coastal and climate assessments, as well as legislative, heritage and feasibility studies. Stage 1 involved planning and developing the project approach.

Now in stage 3 of the St Kilda Marina project, Council is working with a Community Panel and technical experts on an iterative design process exploring future site options.

The panel is made up of 23 community members representing residents, visitors, students, boat owners, Bay Trail users and recreational area users, who were selected using a randomised selection process. Expressions of interest for the panel were invited via this website (as advertised in Divercity magazine) from 1 May until 18 June 2018. Anyone over 18 was eligible to apply, except those intending to, or associated with any person or organisation intending to, bid for a lease or sublease for any part of the St Kilda Marina.

The Community Panel is being held over five sessions between August and early November. Observer opportunities were made available to the broader community during the 25 August and 15 September panel sessions.