We are excited that the Victorian Government has formally approved the new long-term lease for St Kilda Marina, which has now been executed by both parties.

Four years of work to procure a new long-term lease for the St Kilda Marina culminated in a significant achievement for Council when we were advised by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) that on 1 December 2020 the Victorian Government approved the new lease for the Marina, an important piece of foreshore Crown Land and asset for the boating community.

Approval was provided via the Governor In Council (GIC), the mechanism required by site-specific legislation, the St Kilda Land Act 1965. No changes were required to be made to the key lease terms.

The new lease will come into effect on 1 May 2022.

We would like to thank everyone involved for their engagement in this significant milestone.

For information about the new lease, its relationship to the Site Vision and Objectives, and the design features including concept images for the redevelopment, please refer to the St Kilda Marina project update - new long-term lease (PDF 2 MB).

For more information about the St Kilda Marina visit: http://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/st-kilda-marina.