The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has managed adventure playgrounds in St Kilda and South Melbourne (Skinners) since 1978 and 1981 respectively. The playgrounds, based on the concept of junk playgrounds originating in Denmark, have traditionally served as urban backyards for local children and young people, who have limited access to open spaces, social interaction, support and programming. In today's increasingly risk-averse environment, such opportunities are rapidly disappearing. These playgrounds are places where children can use their imagination, play, create and socialise with other children in positive ways to enhance their growth and development.

The adventure playgrounds are designed for and best suited to five to 12 year olds. The adventure playgrounds are staffed during opening times and both offer programs to local children and young people. We recommend that children need to be supervised by a parent or guardian. Children under five years must be actively supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. The playgrounds have climbing structures, trampolines, cubby houses, art spaces and natural spaces that provide opportunities for self-directed play.

Over the next 10 years, population growth and the changing needs of the community mean that Council needs to revise the way it provides services to children, young people and families in the municipality. Continuing to run the adventure playgrounds under the current model, limits council’s utilisation of space and resources. Community engagement and service partnerships have begun to be developed at the adventure playgrounds and now is an ideal opportunity to harness and enhance this work by:

  • upgrading the infrastructure to provide purpose-built, flexible, adaptable and accessible spaces that can be used to deliver multi-age programs
  • expanding programs that can be delivered from the site across early years and middle years
  • developing stronger partnerships internally across council and externally with schools, kindergartens, family services and other service providers to ensure integrated support can be provided to early years and middle years children across the municipality.