This consultation has now closed.

Thank you for your feedback, which has helped us finalise the Budget 2020/21 and update the Council Plan 2017-27.

The draft Budget 2020/21 attracted 298 submissions, with 27 people speaking to their submissions at the 5 August 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. Following consideration of all submissions and broader consultation feedback, Council adopted Budget 2020/21 at its 19 August 2020 Ordinary Meeting.

To view the Community Engagement Report for the draft Budget 2020/21 consultation, click here or visit the Document Library on the right.

To view the updated Council Plan 2017-17 and final Budget 2020/21 visit Council's website at

Each year, Council reviews its Council Plan and develops an annual budget that outlines how we will deliver projects, programs and services to our community.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with unprecedented challenges in developing Budget 2020/21. Our priority has been keeping our community safe and well, and supporting our community through the pandemic and as we recover from its impacts, but it has come at a cost. The overall impact of COVID-19 on Council finances is estimated at $32 million, with $12.7 million to be felt in financial year 2019/20 and a further $19.3 million in financial year 2020/21.

For this reason, Council has reviewed the draft 2020/21 Budget. We have already identified $23 million of savings and are continuing to identify further savings and efficiencies across our programs and services, as well as operational and staffing costs. We are taking into account factors such as community impact, legal and contractual obligations, and safety and risk issues, as well as prioritising activities that will stimulate our economy and best shape our City as we recover.

You can view the updated Council Plan 2017-27 and draft budget 2020/21 by following this link.

Budget 2020/21 will mean change for our community, and hard decisions must be made. To achieve a balanced budget 2020/21 that responds to the significant financial impact and risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and other risks, and provides critical services and infrastructure, we are proposing a small number of temporary and permanent service level reductions for Budget 2020/21.

We are also proposing a $4.2 million social and economic recovery program to provide targeted assistance to those who need it most as we plan for pandemic recovery phase.

This budget will affect us all and we want our community to be involved at every stage to help us shape the budget as our City recovers from this crisis.

Changes subsequent to the preparation of this document

At the 17 June Council meeting, Council agreed to two changes that impact on the financial statements relating to:

  1. Reinstating $10,000 in 2020/21 in project funding for Friends of Suai/Covalima for the length of the current Friends of Suai/Covalima agreement, so that it can be used to:
    • conduct an annual audit of the Covalima Community Centre accounts
    • ship Council computer and technology equipment surplus to requirements and deliver soap and sanitiser to Suai
    • expand the solar lighting scheme
    • conduct hygiene, maths and science training.
  2. Replacing the $50,000 budget allocations in 2020/21 in the draft budget document and $2,236,000 forecast allocation in 2021/22 for the Port Phillip EcoCentre Redevelopment Project with $926,000 in 2020/21 and $1,702,500 in 2021/22. This is subject to receiving partnership funding of $2.75 million for 50 per cent of the project costs, noting that bringing forward funding to the 2020/21 financial year will require drawing on reserves in order to maintain the cumulative cash surplus of close to $1 million, and that Council’s budget provision for future financial years would need to be reduced to replenish reserves.

The changes will also have an impact on financial information related to the Community programs and facilities, and Sustainability services.

Click here or visit the Document Library on the right to view the updated financial statements that reflect late decisions by Council at the 17 June Ordinary Meeting of Council.

In May, we shared with our community the challenges we face as a Council in developing the draft Budget 2020/21 through two online Q&A sessions.

We also hosted online chat forums on an initial round of six proposed service level reductions for consideration as part of developing our draft Budget.

In early June, we asked our community to register their interest in participating in an online focus group. Registrations have now closed and these focus groups will take place throughout June and July.