Project Updates
Update on Palm Trees within the park's plaza area
As part of upgrades to Gasworks Arts Park, we are currently investigating the relocation of the plaza Palm Trees. One additional palm will be removed due to disease. For more detail on the palm trees, check out our FAQ section.
Consultation completed.
Community consultation on the draft Concept Plan was conducted from 31 August to 24 September 2023.
We heard from more than 180 community members via:
- An online survey, asking participants for feedback on the draft design
- Two on-site pop-up sessions on 12 and 16 December 2023
- Meetings with key stakeholder groups.
Community feedback was largely supportive of the draft plan. Changes made to the Concept Plan in response to feedback include:
- Raised planters in the Market Plaza are reduced in number and amended to a stacked stone design more in keeping with the bushland character of the park.
- Retention of the path alignment to the arts studio.
- Additional picnic settings.
- Increase in available seating.
- Retention of maze area.
- Adjustments to artwork locations.
- Child and toddler swing added to the grass area.
The Concept Plan was endorsed unanimously by Council at a meeting held on 6 December, the agenda and minutes are available on the Council meeting website.
A Contamination Management Framework (CMF) has been prepared by environmental consultants engaged by the Department of Transport and Planning. The recommendations in this framework have been accepted by Council.
The CMF recommendations will guide all site management and construction works associated with the park upgrade project.
The following documents can now be accessed in the document library:
- Community Engagement Summary Report
- Concept Plan - Gasworks Arts Park
- Renders - Gasworks Arts Park
- Contamination Management Framework
Thanks again to all those who contributed their feedback.
Gasworks Park Upgrade Project
Council presented the Gasworks Park Draft Park Plan to the community in April 2022.
Engagement activities included:
- two pop-ups at the reserve,
- a survey for residents and park users,
- meetings with key stakeholders.
The engagement summary report is available on this page.
Gasworks Park Playground Project
In addition, Council presented a draft concept plan for a new playground to the community in June 2023. Engagement activities included:
- two pop-ups at the reserve,
- a survey for residents and park users,
- meetings with key stakeholders including a student workshop at Albert Park Primary and discussion session with Albert Park College.
Information received from the community consultation has been considered when finalising the playground design. In response to the feedback, the design now includes:
- Fencing to separate the new playground from the market plaza.
- Access to the playground via entry gates.
- Large shade umbrellas, positioned over the junior play structure and junior swings to allow for immediate shade due to heat emanating from the wall.
- Monkey bars, an additional climbing net, and a shop front to the junior play structure.
- Rocks and logs have been adjusted to create more meaningful play opportunities for children in the nature play zones.
- Two sculptures, designed by a local Gasworks artist, to be located in the nature-play areas of the new playground.
The engagement summary report and final design are available in the document library.