Project Update

The installation of new equipment at the Moray Street end of Skinners Adventure Playground was commenced in December 2023 and this section of the playground is now ready for use by our community.

Following consultation on the Concept Plan between 17 March and 10 April 2023 with the children who use Skinners Adventure Playground, the Adventure Playground Staff and the community, the Final Plan for the new equipment at Skinners Adventure playground has been developed.

The Final Plan was informed through consultation with playground users and has successfully incorporated four new pieces of play equipment, including:

  • An elevated, covered multi-play cubby featuring timber climbing elements, a fireman’s pole, scramble net climber and a circular net climber.
  • A multi-play unit with a large tube slide, climbing wall, scramble-net climber and stepping logs.
  • a hammock swing.
  • an overhead spinner.

The new equipment will be installed at the eastern end of the site only – it does not include changes or upgrades to any of the western end of the site (including the new trampoline).

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Skinners Adventure Playground Final Plan

Final Plan for Skinners Adventure Playground

Final Plan for Skinners Adventure Playground

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Melanie Cowles

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