Project update: Amendment C203port approved by Minister for Planning

Amendment C203port has now been approved by the Minister for Planning and came into effect on 14 April 2023.

You can view the approved amendment documentation on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

We would like to thank you for your interest and input into this project.

What is Amendment C203port?

Amendment C203port (Planning Scheme Review) implements the Port Phillip Planning Scheme Audit Report 2018 and responds to Victorian Government changes to the format and content of planning schemes introduced in 2018.

All policies currently in the Local Planning Policy Framework of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme have been reviewed and translated into the new format to simplify and improve its structure, function and operation and remove unnecessary regulation.

Most of this translation is ‘policy neutral’ and does not alter the meaning of the policy. Where it is not policy neutral, it introduces gives effect to adopted Council strategies and plans such as Act and Adapt, Art and Soul, Don't Waste It!, In Our Backyard, and Move, Connect, Live.

This is not a wholescale review of all local planning policy objectives and controls, and this is not a review of any zoning or overlay controls that apply to properties.

View the new planning policy structure.

View the table outlining changes made to each clause of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.

Click on these boxes to learn more!

Making a submission

We are inviting submissions until 17 December 2021.

Submissions should contain a name, postal address and email address, so we can inform you at each stage of the amendment process. This is a robust process that allows for an independent review of unresolved submissions at a planning panel hearing and final approval of the amendment by the Minister for Planning.

If Council is unable to resolve submissions, they will be referred to an independent planning panel for consideration at a hearing, as required by the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

All submissions will be made public during the amendment process, but personal information will be redacted.

Planning Panels Victoria administer planning panel hearings. Therefore, should Council refer submissions to an independent planning panel, we will provide your contact information to Planning Panels Victoria, so they can directly contact you about any planning panel hearing matters.

View further information about independent planning panels administered by Planning Panels Victoria.

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