The update of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme will rewrite local policies in a new format recently introduced through the State Government's Smart Planning program to simplify and modernise Victoria’s planning policy and rules.

You can find out more about the new format of planning schemes by clicking here.

A new Municipal Planning Strategy and set of updated local planning policies have been prepared based on updated content from the current Municipal Strategic Statement (Clause 21) and local policies (Clause 22), as well as recently adopted Council strategies and plans which are proposed to be included as new background documents.

This is not a wholescale review of all local planning policy objectives and controls, and this is not a review of any zoning or overlay controls that apply to properties.

View the new planning policy structure.

View the table outlining changes made to each clause of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.

View a document showing all proposed provisions with source referencing included.

View a document showing all proposed provisions without source referencing.

Please refer to the boxes below for more information on specific policies.

The boxes below group together the policies in our planning scheme under different themes. Visit these pages to learn about the new or updated policies.