Economic Development
The Mixed Use and Office Areas Policy (Clause 17.02-1L of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme) contains strategies supporting the office and mixed use areas in Port Phillip.
The Mixed Use and Office Areas policy has been a policy neutral translation, with the content largely coming from existing planning policy in Clauses 21.04 (Land Use) and Clause 21.06 (Neighbourhoods) of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
This document shows where each part of the new policy has come from.
The Sustainable Industry policy (Clause 17.03-2L of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme) includes strategies aiming to protect and enhance Port Phillip's industrial areas.
The Sustainable Industry policy has been a policy neutral translation, with the content coming from existing policy in Clause 21.04 (Land use) of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
This document shows where each part of the new policy has come from.
The Tourism and the Arts policy (Clause 17.04-1L-01 of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme) includes strategies promoting Port Phillip as a premier tourist and arts destination.
This policy has been a policy neutral translation, with the content largely coming from existing policy in Clause 21.04 (Land Use) of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
This document shows where each part of the new policy has come from.
The Coastal and Marine Tourism policy (Clause 17.04-2L of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme) contains strategies relating to the foreshore.
The Coastal and Marine Tourism policy has been updated in line with the Port Phillip Planning Scheme Audit (City of Port Phillip, 2018), Foreshore Management Plan (City of Port Phillip, 2012) and Getting Our Community Active - Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-2024 (City of Port Phillip, 2016), all of which have been endorsed by Council.
Otherwise the content has come from existing policy in Clause 21.04 (Land Use) of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
This document shows where each part of the new policy has come from.