Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

We're preparing the Act and Adapt Strategy and The Climate Emergency Plan which will be finalised in early 2024.

We’ve declared a climate emergency

Port Phillip is already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, recognising that climate change is a global challenge, and everyone must play their part. This declaration responds to the critical climate situation and demonstrates our commitment to take action.

How are we meeting the sustainability challenge

We are striving to ensure a sustainable future for the City of Port Phillip where our environmentally aware and active community benefits from living in a bayside city that is greener, cooler, cleaner and climate resilient. We are reducing our own emissions and preparing our City and community for a changing environment.

We'll collaborate with you to cut our community’s emissions and prepare for the future.

The Plan includes what Council will do, what you can do as the Port Phillip community and what we call on the Victorian and Australian Governments to do. Our Plan includes measurable targets and practical actions to respond to the climate emergency and adapt and thrive.

We recognise that a long-term plan is required to bring about change, and so have planned the delivery of the actions across the next five years.

We are committed to creating a Sustainable Port Phillip by focusing on five priorities:

  1. Enhancing community resilience
  2. Minimising greenhouse gas emissions
  3. Enabling more sustainable transport options
  4. Creating resilient and liveable public spaces
  5. Planning for buildings and places

The Plan brings together our existing commitments under the following documents:

Read the draft Climate Emergency Plan 2023-2028

Strategies & Plans that have informed the draft Climate Emergency Plan.

The Climate Emergency Plan is a summary of all the actions and commitments across our plans and strategies.