Community Consultation
Thank you all for contributing to the development of the Murphy Reserve master plan. We appreciate your participation in the process. Council undertook a series of consultation and engagement sessions including a paper and online survey, a number of community meetings and a master-planning exercise. Council has also been working closely with the Murphy Reserve Reference Group since February 2010 to determine the future use of the site. Membership of the reference group included two community members and a representative from Port People, the soccer club, football club, cricket club, baseball club, Dig In community Garden and Hobson's Bay Obedience Dog Club. Details of the meetings can be found here.
What's been happening?
The master plan went to Council for adoption on Monday, the 28th of March. After hearing the submissions and considering the plan, Council have decided to defer the adoption of the plan until they receive further advice on the concerns of the Port Melbourne Soccer Club and advice on the trees to be removed and planted.
Council does support the direction of the master plan, especially in relation to securing the water future of the Reserve, meeting the future needs of sporting clubs, general improvements to facilities and the proposed perimeter walking track. One of the main resolutions that came from the meeting was the endorsement of the relocation of Hobson's Bay Obedience Dog Club to Garden City Reserve. More details about the HBODC relocation can be found here.
What's happening next?
Council are working closely with several of the key stakeholders involved in the relocation of Hobson's Bay Obedience Dog Club (HBODC) to ensure a smooth transition when HBODC is relocated in mid/late 2011. Council is working toward having minimum impact on HBODC, the current user groups and the local community. The stakeholders involved have been, HBODC, Port People, Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Sandridge Trugo Club and several Council departments; Community Facilities, Sports and Recreation as well as Parks and Open Space. To find out more about the relocation, click here.
The Murphy Reserve Master Plan
Council officers will continue to work with the Port Melbourne Soccer Club to address their concerns around the relocation of their boundary fence and the development of a new field. Council will also work towards developing a Tree Management Plan for the Reserve, ensuring a staged progression of tree removal and planting whilst maintaining and enhancing the general amenity of the Reserve.
Construction of a Section of Path
A section of path along the Western boundary of the Reserve connecting Plummer St to Williamstown Rd will be constructed this year as well as a path that connects the Western boundary to the pavilion.
Tree Planting
Tree planting will be undertaken along Williamstown Road to rebuild the avenue of trees that has been in decline for a number of years. This may require the removal of a number of trees in poor health. Council will inform the community of any activities being undertaken prior to works commencing.